Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The 6 Main Principles of Success

Napoleon Hill was the first author to talk about the principles of success in his book Think & Grow Rich. Nowadays, it is used as a reference by most self-help gurus today.  In this article, I review the principles of success that he discussed and that lead people to become very successful.

1. Definiteness of Purpose – Having the determination to get what you want

“The greatest power that we were given at birth is the power to control our minds”.  Napoleon Hill
This very first principle is to know what we want and to FOCUS on that despite any obstacles. We must overcome negative thoughts such as fear of failure or rather fear of success.

2. Having the habit of going the extra mile
This is the second of the principles of success. Most of us are lazy.  So we must work on ourselves and acquire the habit of going the extra mile. That will ensure that we become “excellent in all that we do”.  Being excellent is of course a strong stepping stone that guarantees success.

3. Being grateful
In order for the Universe to support us and grant us our wishes in any of our endeavors, we must be grateful for both what we already have (even if it's not much) and for what we want – we must have the habit of being grateful even before we get what we want.

4. Being enthusiastic
The fourth of the principles of success states that we must work on having enthusiasm for all that we want and do.  Enthusiasm is a wonderful quality as it is very contagious.  If we make sincere enthusiasm one of the qualities that we cherish, we will definitely succeed in all our goals despite any obstacles.

5. Having faith in ourselves
“If you believe you can do it, you can”
All successful people have a strong faith in themselves.  A strong faith clears our minds of all fears and helps us keep marching toward our goals.

6. Being part of a Master Mind Group
Very rarely can we achieve significant goals all by ourselves.  We need the support, the education, the experience of a friend, a partner, or even a group of strangers who are willing to support us in the achievement of our goals.

This discussion of Napoleon Hill's principles of success is just a start. Overall, there are 17 principles. Find out more at Principles of Success .

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